Toxic ingredients
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Toxic Foods
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Toxic chemicals
By HRS Editors
Avoid harmful chemicals like glyphosate in food by ALWAYS choosing ORGANIC
The uninformed shopper or non-prepper might not know that many food products are often contaminated with glyphosate, a potentially dangerous chemical found in certain weed killers used by farmers in the U.S. This means that as a prepper, you should be careful when buying groceries for your family to protect them from this toxic chemical. Knowing more […]
By HRS Editors
DARK SECRETS: Your dark chocolate may contain lead and cadmium
For people with a sweet tooth who are worried about their sugar intake, dark chocolate may seem like a healthier alternative to other sugary treats like cookies or milk chocolate. After all, many studies have suggested that dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that can help boost overall well-being. Additionally, dark chocolate contains relatively low […]
By HRS Editors
Buyers beware: Turmeric products are often contaminated with lead
When buying supplies for your stockpile, it’s important to do so from trusted sources that offer lab-verified organic products. This can help you protect your family from food tainted with harmful heavy metals, such as lead. Lead used to be a contaminant in turmeric, the unique spice that gives curry its beautiful golden color. Researchers traced […]
By HRS Editors
Avoid toxic contaminants like microplastics in salt by switching to Pink Himalayan Salt
When cooking, you normally use salt to season your food without worrying about where it came from. However, as a prepper, you need to make sure that the salt you use at home and keep in your pantry is always tested for heavy metals and free of various contaminants like microplastics. (h/t to Study […]
By Olivia Cook
Sweet potato flour: A healthy, gluten-free alternative to wheat flour
If you are looking for a healthy, gluten-free alternative to wheat flour, look no further than sweet potato flour. Sweet potato flour is made from dried or dehydrated sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) tubers, which are then finely ground. It has a a slightly sweet taste that complements many cuisines. Its low protein content makes it […]
By Zoey Sky
Food supply tips: 10 Best survival foods to buy from the grocery store
Beginner preppers can start a survival stockpile by purchasing affordable, versatile items and ingredients like beans, canned fruit and vegetables, and pasta. Read on to learn how to start prepping without going over your budget. (h/t to Stock up on affordable ingredients before SHTF Here are 10 budget-friendly ingredients that you can buy at […]
By Virgilio Marin
Food supply 101: Can vinegar go bad?
Vinegar is a common pantry item used for a variety of things. It is used for cooking, pickling, removing stains, eliminating weeds and washing pets. Many people also use vinegar to shed weight and extend the life of ornamental flowers. With that many uses, homesteaders love to stock up on vinegar. But you might be wondering if you need […]
By Zoey Sky
More Americans preparing for coronavirus-related food shortage by buying up seeds for “pandemic gardens”
Americans across the country have started taking matters into their own hands. Due to worries about food shortages because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are cultivating home gardens to remain self-sufficient. However, the demand for garden seeds seems to have overwhelmed seed companies, who are quick to reassure buyers that there is no shortage […]
By Edsel Cook
Bad food will kill you: Poor diet number one cause of death, chronic disease worldwide
Many preppers may not realize that the greatest threat to their survival isn’t a natural disaster or malevolent humans. It is an unhealthy diet, the leading cause of early death and chronic diseases. Researchers from The Global Burden of Disease Study evaluated the risk factors for premature deaths. They observed the diets of people in […]
By Zoey Sky
Eggs in a basket: 10 Methods for preserving eggs
Before refrigerators, eggs were preserved using different methods to prolong their shelf life. (h/t to If you keep chickens in your homestead, you can preserve their eggs so you can cook with eggs even during winter, when chickens ease up on their laying habits. Knowing how to preserve eggs ensures that you have a year-round supply […]
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