Top 10 reasons to avoid GMOs
“Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.” — Phil Angell, Monsanto Director of Corporate Communications. Mr. Angell was speaking of GMOs, and it’s true that, from the perspective of Monsanto and other dangerous product makers, safety is somebody else’s job. What he didn’t mention, […]

Top 10 preservatives that are destroying your health
Artificial food additives and preservatives lengthen the lifespan of food and shorten the lifespan of people. There are many natural additives and preservatives, like salt, alcohol, vinegar and sugar; however, many additives and preservatives used by food manufactures are laced with toxic chemicals that are linked to a wide range of health problems. Artificial food […]

Top 10 reasons to ban trans fat from your diet immediately
Trans fats are slowly being phased out in the United States. If being depressed, obese, forgetful, irritable and at risk of coronary heart disease were not enough for you to eliminate these harmful fats from your diet – then you may not have a choice anyway, because the FDA plans on having artificial trans fats […]

Top 10 reasons to avoid toxic high-fructose corn syrup
High-fructose corn syrup is a sugar that begins as a corn starch and through processing becomes a very sweet syrup. Processing the corn converts glucose into fructose, creating a very concentrated sugar. While table sugar and HFCS have molecular similarities, the way the human body processes HFCS can lead to many health problems. High-fructose corn […]

Top 10 grocery store foods that contain hidden MSG
Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, is a commonly used food enhancer whose taste is described as umami-like. Taste is usually divided into four categories: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Glutamate is said to have a fifth, unique taste called umami, which is described as the savory flavor of meats. MSG is used to enhance […]

Top 10 ingredients to avoid that cause dementia
Food affects our bodies and minds. Many people would be surprised to discover just how many food ingredients are linked to cognitive disorders, like dementia. Dementia is considered by many people to be a disease that accompanies age. Contrary to popular belief, however, dementia isn’t a specific malady, but a general term that encompasses a […]

Top 10 toxic ingredients used by McDonald’s
McDonald’s has a very complicated brand image: entirely unhealthy, yet an affordable option that is almost universally available. McDonald’s isn’t a place we go to get our nutritional needs met, and with most research connecting our Western/fast food diet directly to various diseases, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease, one begins to wonder why […]