Top 10 reasons to avoid GMOs
“Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.” — Phil Angell, Monsanto Director of Corporate Communications. Mr. Angell was speaking of GMOs, and it’s true that, from the perspective of Monsanto and other dangerous product makers, safety is somebody else’s job. What he didn’t mention, […]

Top 10 toxic ingredients in children’s food
What do bisphenol-A , high-fructose corn syrup and propylene glycol have in common? They are all toxins that can be found in food marketed to children — and you could be inadvertently purchasing them. One of the best gifts that parents can bestow upon their children is a nutritious diet. Yet many foods on supermarket […]

Top 10 toxic ingredients in children’s cereal
Selling harmful food to kids is a huge business. Using the most recent data, the Federal Trade Commission reports that food and beverage companies spend some $1.8 billion annually to make kids want to consume their products. Most of that advertising is spent on fast food, carbonated drinks and, of course, breakfast cereal. The breakfast […]

Top 10 food chemicals that are making you fat
It’s no secret that people care about how they look. Countless gym memberships, health routines, artificial formulas and diet programs are concocted everyday; nevertheless, people still struggle to loose weight. Diet and exercise are a great way to maintain a healthy weight, but they aren’t the whole story. Many people fail to consider the chemicals […]

Top 10 preservatives that are destroying your health
Artificial food additives and preservatives lengthen the lifespan of food and shorten the lifespan of people. There are many natural additives and preservatives, like salt, alcohol, vinegar and sugar; however, many additives and preservatives used by food manufactures are laced with toxic chemicals that are linked to a wide range of health problems. Artificial food […]

Top 10 reasons to filter drinking water
Water is integral to our lives. The Greek philosopher Thales characterized water as the “primary principle” of matter and believed that water “held the potentialities for the nourishment and generation of the entire cosmos,” according to the University of Tennessee’s Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. If Thales were transported from 624 BC to the 21st century, […]

Top 10 types of tea contaminated with toxic heavy metals
Many people drink tea solely for its health benefits. This popular beverage is known for being loaded with antioxidants that combat cancer and aging. Because of tea’s well known health benefits, you may be surprised to find out that many teas actually contain toxic metals. For example, lead can be absorbed by the tea’s leaves. […]