Top 10 foods that help you fall asleep naturally
Has sleep been eluding you lately? You’re not alone. More than 50 million Americans don’t get enough sleep. There are many reasons for insomnia, ranging from work-related stress to lower back pain. More than often, however, irregular sleeping patterns are caused by poor dietary habits. Many people resort to sleeping pills in an effort to […]

Top 10 probiotic-rich foods to improve your life
Probiotics benefit the digestive system by keeping your gut healthy with good and helpful bacteria such as Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Bacillus subtilis. These bacteria can be found in fermented foods and are known to improve the activities of digestive enzymes. Eating probiotics in your diet can help treat conditions such as inflammatory bowel syndrome, skin […]

Top 10 foods that prevent diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases to plague culture. According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report, approximately 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3 percent of the population, had diabetes in 2012. To make matters worse, 208,000 people in that pool were below the age of 20. According to the World Health Organization, the number […]

Top 10 foods that help regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes
Diabetes is a prevalent ailment to scourge society. It is a metabolic disorder that is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin. Insulin is required to metabolize the sugar levels in the blood. When insulin becomes deficient, sugar is retained in the blood, and this deficiency can lead to type […]

Top 10 foods that reduce wrinkles and keep skin youthful
If you’re looking for a way to keep your skin looking young and fresh without resorting to toxic chemicals, you’ll be pleased to learn that your diet can make a surprisingly big difference in the appearance of your skin. Many of the things we eat naturally contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can help […]

Top 10 foods that naturally promote beautiful skin
Beautiful skin is often a roll of the genetic dice. Aside from the skin we were born with, our diet plays one of the largest roles in our overall complexion. The nutrients that we feed our body can dramatically improve our natural glow. In our society, people (who have the means) often turn to retinoids, […]

Top 10 foods to relieve arthritis pain
Arthritis is caused by inflammation in one or more joints and is accompanied by pain and stiffness. Often, arthritis pain will worsen with age. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease in which the body attacks the joints; it is a chronic inflammatory disorder that usually affects the hands and the feet. Over time, RA can […]

Top 10 functional foods for relieving inflammation
Refined and processed foods can trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation. Chronic inflammation can contribute to many diseases and disorders from atherosclerosis to Alzheimer’s disease. Some foods can reduce inflammation and protect against chronic inflammation. These foods are also full of important minerals, fiber and vitamins that the body needs for optimal health. […]

Top 10 easiest smoothies that also boost your health and prevent disease
Homemade smoothies are a wonderful way to get a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Commercially produced smoothies are often filled with added sugars and preservatives, thus having questionable nutritional value. By making your smoothies at home, you have more control over what will go in them and you can also make smoothies […]

Top 10 most powerful foods for recovering cancer victims
Surviving cancer is one of the most difficult and harrowing experiences one may ever go through. When someone survives a debilitating disease like cancer, the battle doesn’t stop when you are in remission. It is important that you continue to live a healthy lifestyle and focus on a balanced diet. Because your body is still recuperating and in […]