Top 10 reasons to avoid GMOs
“Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.” — Phil Angell, Monsanto Director of Corporate Communications. Mr. Angell was speaking of GMOs, and it’s true that, from the perspective of Monsanto and other dangerous product makers, safety is somebody else’s job. What he didn’t mention, […]

Top 10 toxic ingredients in children’s food
What do bisphenol-A , high-fructose corn syrup and propylene glycol have in common? They are all toxins that can be found in food marketed to children — and you could be inadvertently purchasing them. One of the best gifts that parents can bestow upon their children is a nutritious diet. Yet many foods on supermarket […]

Top 10 vegetables to lose weight and fight off cancer
The human body is designed to digest a swath of vegetables. Not all vegetables are created equal, however. Many vegetables in the produce section stem from genetically engineered crops that have been laced with noxious pesticides. Pesticides are linked to a variety of health problems including cancer, organ failure and birth defects. Unprocessed, organic plant […]

Top 10 reasons to filter drinking water
Water is integral to our lives. The Greek philosopher Thales characterized water as the “primary principle” of matter and believed that water “held the potentialities for the nourishment and generation of the entire cosmos,” according to the University of Tennessee’s Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. If Thales were transported from 624 BC to the 21st century, […]

Top 10 reasons to always choose organic
Children chomping on fresh fruit stirs a healthy picture in most people’s minds. That is until, of course, one realizes that the fruits and vegetables sold on supermarket shelves are clothed in deadly pesticides. These noxious chemicals remain on food even after they are washed and cooked, and have been linked to a host of […]